Where are you from?

Almería, Spain.

What do you do?

I’m a developer specialized in Ruby on Rails.

I quit my job at the end of 2016 to learn and improve my personal and professional skills while working on my projects. Actually, I’m working on nomadplanner.io, a webapp that helps me to control my expenses on traveling.

How are you nomadic?

In 2015, I joined Hacker Paradise for two months. After that, I continued working remotely and traveling Asia SE for 7 months.

Now and after 7 months living in my hometown I’ve decided to start traveling again, starting in the Indian Himalayas with Remote Explorers. Here I’ve had the opportunity to experiment India in a different way and I’ve enjoyed a quiet time in a beautiful environment. I even had the opportunity to listen to Dalai Lama in a 4-day teaching at the Dalai Lama’s Temple.

What’s your favorite part of being a nomad?

Where do I begin… Freedom, live in exotic places that maybe I’d never visited, meet people from different countries, know different cultures and realize that I really can live only with things that I carry in my backpack.

What’s your least favorite part?

The worst part of nomad life is to deal with visas for every country and the time that I lose looking for flights, accommodation, coworking space…

What’s next for you?

After spend two months in the Indian Himalayas, I plan to travel Asia again to discover new places. Next stop, Penang (Malaysia).

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